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This project times and graphs the speed of a fidget spinner as it slows down.  Deceleration is the inverse of acceleration!

Place the FunKey Super in LightGate Mode (A/I, W/ground, sensor on G)

-set the FunKey Super into Keystream Mode by connecting the A and I ports and plugging in the USB.  Keystream is now the current mode, remove the alligator clip.  Keystroke Mode LED will be bright, and I/O Mode LED will be dim


--connect a yellow IR reflection sensor to port G (D0) Other sensors can be used, but this one is ideal for timing moving objects


--connect an alligator clip between port W (D5) and any of the ground holes at the bottom of the board.  This acts as an on/off switch, turning the timing internal circuit on when connected.  Leave it connected for your measurements.  The I/O Mode LED goes off in this mode, while the Keystroke Mode LED stays on and bright

How it works in Scratch:  The LightGate Mode is sending back number strings terminated by a "return".  Scratch is not well equipped to receive text input, except through its "answer" function.  The code employs this to trap the continuous readings, draw them on the screen as a plot, and plush them onto a Scratch "list", which is an array.  You can also use the Scratch "list" box to export your data to Excel or Sheets as a .csv file.  Note that the code has a threshold to accept only data which is in the correct range, because some errant readings can occur.

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